Plastic is everywhere. Globally, 300 million tons of plastics are produced every year. Of the millions of tones, only 18% is recyclable, 24% is incinerated and the remaining 58% either ends up in the landfills or in our natural environment posing serious threats to our ecological and social wellbeing. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, a plastic straw takes around 200 years to degrade. While plastic bottles and cups take 450 years to decompose.
Plastic pollution not only destroys our waterways, but it has also been proven to contribute to climate change. It’s projected that by 2050, global plastic production could account for the release of 2.75 billion metric tons of Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So why do we keep using products that are clearly destroying our planet?
Can other products, like bamboo, substitute for plastic?
Could bamboo be a viable alternative to synthetic plastics?
Plastic is used in so many products because of its versatile characteristics but what many of us don’t know is the long term damage it will do to us and our environment. There are other viable alternatives to plastic but most of us aren’t aware. One such material is bamboo, which is one of the fastest-growing plants and is abundantly available throughout the world. It can grow as high as 36 inches within a 24 hour period. Bamboo is known for its tensil strength and resilience. It is durable, and dense yet flexible and elastic.
Plastic is used in so many products because of its versatile characteristics but what many of us don’t know is the long term damage it will do to us and our environment.
In its natural environment, bamboo takes between 2 to 6 years to maturity. The high mechanical strength of the bamboo fibers is comparable to glass fibers and its heat resistant trait makes it suitable for construction and packaging. It is versatile and has multiple applications and uses including housewares (plates, utensils, cups), containers, accessories, jewellery, hardwoods, home décor, toothbrush, bottles, ornamental plant, toilet paper, fabric, bedding, clothing and many more.
With its ecofriendly properties, bamboo, as an organic product, is the ideal substitute for many of the plastic products that we use every day.
Bamboo Taking Over the Markets
With increased awareness about the damaging impact of plastics, many are changing their buying habits and making more greener and cleaner choices. Some environmentally conscious and ethically responsible companies in various industries like hospitality and retail, are now introducing bamboo based products as substitutes for plastics. Also, with the proliferation of bamboo based products at the store level, consumers are given a wider selection of eco-friendly products to choose from and many are making the right choices.
This article is an example of in-depth analysis with figures supporting the theory! I, myself, have seen many bamboo varieties of items that used to be non-biodegradable plastics previously. It is a good initiative for people to follow. Keep writing authentically!
Excellent write-up!
Bamboo is really what we need today to survive and sustain life on Earth. It is good to see that people are trying to switch towards healthy lifestyles, including using biodegradable materials in general. Hats off to everyone!
Keep your contribution continue towards environment sustainability.