Cutting boards are an essential kitchen tool. A staple product when cooking. You need it to prepare your meat, vegetables, bread, cheese or anything else that requires cutting. Although many have grown accustomed to the convenience of just cutting their bread and vegetables on a counter, it is not sanitary.
There are many important uses of cutting boards but the most important being sanitary and hygienic reasons. Bacteria and other germs can easily transfer to food when you are not safely preparing your meals. Cutting spaces are a source of bacterial and food borne illnesses.
There are so many different types of cutting boards in the market. How do you know which one to choose to ensure your choice offers durability, affordability, convenience and effectiveness. The two most common types of cutting boards to compare are plastic versus bamboo cutting boards.
There are many benefits to both but if you were to make an eco-friendly choice, bamboo, hands-down, the better choice. We’ll look at the comparison between bamboo and plastic cutting boards from various angles and you can decide what works best for you.
Comparing Bamboo vs Plastic Cutting Boards Material
The first thing to consider when looking at the cutting board is the material it is made of. Bamboo is a fast growing, renewable, durable and eco friendly material. Because it is a grass, it grows with very little maintenance and energy requirements. It is a hardy grass, organic and naturally biodegrades in the environment without the need for further chemicals or effort to break it down.
Plastic, on the other hand, although it is durable, versatile, accessible and affordable, it is a man-made petroleum based product. It requires the extraction of crude oil from the earth in order to produce the material. It requires vast amounts of energy, non-renewable resources from the earth and chemicals. At the end of its lifecycle, it is not biodegradable taking hundreds of years to break down in our landfills.
Durability Factor of Bamboo vs Plastic Cutting Boards
When choosing a cutting board, like any other kitchen tool, you want it to last. No doubt, plastic is very durable and this is evidenced by the length of time it takes to biodegrade in nature. Both plastic and bamboo are durable materials. The key difference is that one is organic and the other is a man-made product and pollutes the earth.
Bamboo is known for its durability. With its tensile strength, it is not easily destroyed with pressure and load. You can assure it will withstand the pressure of cutting all types of food. Bamboo is used in construction including flooring, scaffolding, structure and more. It is dense and durable, easy to clean and natural.
Affordability of Bamboo vs Plastic Cutting Boards
Depending on the type of cutting board you buy, they can range in price. There are a number of very artistic bamboo boards used both as kitchen decoration and a practical tool. Some bamboo cutting boards are multifunction with drawers to store your cheese cutting knives and other paraphernalia and other products come in packages with 3 or more different sizes. They can come in various sizes, styles and colors. You can spend as little as $4 at a dollar store for effective bamboo cutting boards.
Equally as affordable, plastic boards are also pretty accessible and affordable. They come in various shapes, styles and colors. Though less aesthetically attractive as a kitchen decor, plastic boards can also be easily found in most department stores, discount stores and kitchen supplies retailers.
Are Bamboo Cutting Boards More Bacteria Resistant than Plastic ones?
A very important issue to consider when choosing the right cutting board for your kitchen is the health and safety of the tools. Does it have the ability to transfer and absorb bacteria and germs to your food? Cutting boards can be a source of bacteria that causes food borne illness and food poisoning. Many of us have experienced this at one time or another at a restaurant.
Bamboo cutting boards are dense and non porous. Bamboo also contains a natural anti-bacterial agent called bamboo kun that is effective in eliminating or preventing over 70% of bacteria that attempts to grow on it. Because of its antimicrobial and non porous characteristic, bamboo cutting boards are more bacteria resistant than plastic ones.
Because of its porous nature, plastic will host bacteria and germs more easily and contribute to contamination and food borne illnesses. It will also absorb more moisture. If you are using plastic boards, you will want to ensure it is sterilized with hot water in the dishwasher and cleaned often.
A practical yet straightforward read!
An idea that comes to my mind: if more people start using the biodegradable and healthy alternatives of plastics, the former prices will ultimately go down.
After all, every industry owner needs to sustain their business, so why not through healthy options!
Your article made me responsible!
Would you believe that I just threw my plastic cutting board away after reading this article? I never went into the details of how non-biodegradable plastic boards can harbor more bacteria. Your report has allowed me to understand how unhealthy I have been making my food!
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