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Sustainable Living News

Creating awareness on the importance of sustainable practices.
EcoLuxe Products, Sustainable, plastic, cutlery, Sustainability, Chanelle Dupre

Consumer Attitudes have Harmful Impact on the Environment

The health of our planet is changing because of human behaviour. The human race is now facing new risks of food security, extreme weather conditions and new types of diseases that we can’t fight – like the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

bamboo, ecofriendly, renewable, environment

5 Reasons why Bamboo is the Perfect Ecofriendly Alternative to Plastic

Bamboo’s ability to grow between 1 – 4 inches per day and be harvested every three years makes it the number one renewable and sustainable resource.

EcoLuxe Products, Sustainable, EcoFriendly, Bamboo, Biodegradable, Sustainability, Chanelle Dupre, recycling, packaging, environment.

The Difficult Challenges of Recycling

Our increasing appetite and obsession for material things has contributed immensely to the growth of our landfills. Products, whether bought at a store or delivered to our homes, are packaged with materials that are often not biodegradable.

EcoLuxe Products, Sustainable, Sustainability, container, packaging, plastic, non biodegradable, plastic pollution, Chanelle Dupre

The Harmful Effects of Non-Biodegradable Products

Our planet continues to edge closer to a state where it will become unliveable to any life form. Our activities are causing the slow death of our planet. Our lack of awareness and bad choices over non biodegradable products is polluting the earth and we need to change the trend.

What are Non-Biodegradable Products?

Non-Biodegradable products are products that can’t be broken down naturally into simpler organic or inorganic matter. These include many household products we use daily such as plastic bottles, glass bottles, styro foam, aluminum cans, tin cans, aluminum foil, plastic straws, ziploc bags, plastic bags, nylon, leather shoes, disposable diapers, sanitary pads, rubber shoes, batteries, ink cartridges, scrap metal, tires and more. Non-biodegradable products remain on our planet for many years before they begin to decompose with some taking between 10 – 1000 years.

Through recycling innovation, some non-biodegradable products now have biodegradable alternatives.

Through recycling innovation, some non-biodegradable products now have biodegradable alternatives. Plastic bottles, six-pack rings, clothes, diapers and cutlery, for example, now have biodegradable options in the market for consumers. Reusing these products instead of disposing after a single use is also a practical way to support a sustainable environment.

non-biodegradable, plastic, environment

Hazardous Nature of Man-Made Products

Plastic remains a major concern for the environment. It is used in the production of numerous articles used in daily life including toothbrush, cutlery, trash bags, tupperware and lots more. It takes plastic products between 400 – 1000 years to biodegrade which is a danger to most life on the planet.

Plastic releases toxic pollutants which is a danger to both small animals like plankton and up to the most sophisticated of species – humans. The best alternatives are either biodegradable products or reusable products. These include stainless steel plates and cutlery, glass, beeswax-coated cloth, natural fiber cloth, wood, bamboo, ceramics, and paper.

Polystyrene commonly known as styrofoam is a petroleum-based plastic made from styrene monomers. It is commonly used for packaging food and for serving drinks, storing eggs, plates, to-go boxes, etc. estimated time of decomposition is 500 years. Styrofoam can release harmful chemicals into food thus causing a contamination which can be harmful to health. Its adverse effect on animals and the environment is devastating.

But there are several alternatives available for food packaging to replace styrofoam including paper based food packaging, cups and recycled carton for larger 

Silicone is consider more eco-friendly than plastic but it still takes between 50 – 500 years to break down. Silicone is used in the production of kitchen utensils, sealants, car gaskets, keyboard pads and more. It doesn’t pose great danger to the environment. It is inert, releasing zero toxins which makes it a healthier alternative. 

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Choosing to Go Green

The sustainability of our world is a job for all. If the earth must remain habitable, we need to start thinking green and making choices that promote conservation and preservation. There are alternatives and eco-friendly options to many of the products we use every day. Wood, bamboo, paper and plant based products decompose much quicker and secrete zero toxins making them some of the best alternatives to plastic and styrofoam. Although you may have to pay a little more in price and inconvenience for eco-friendly products, you can feel good that you are positively contributing to the environment.

As the world experiences more and more unusual weather patterns, we must take the increased frequency of these occurrences as a serious signal that the planet is changing. We need to be more aware of our choices, actions and attitudes towards how we consume products and how we dispose of them. Its not too late to start making the right choices and consider eco-friendly materials to save the planet.

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