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kitchen recycling sustainable home

8 Kitchen Habits for Sustainable Living

Most of us don’t even really think about the habits we have in the kitchen that contribute to waste in our landfills and the environmental damage it causes. We choose the easy and more convenient way of doing things like just throwing everything but the kitchen sink in the garbage instead of consciously separating waste and directing it to their appropriate places. 


We use a lot of plastic to store food like saran wrap and ziploc bags. We buy large quantities of food and throw unused or spoiled food in the garbage. We buy processed food that is packaged in layers of non-biodegradable packaging or made from non-sustainable products.


Some of us may be clueless about the impact our habits have on the environment while others are perfectly aware but don’t have the facility nor the local infrastructure for a more eco-friendly waste management solution.


Garbage is filling up our landfills each year and it doesn’t seem to be easing up. In Canada, 31 million tonnes of garbage is produced each year and in the US, over 200 million tonnes of municipal solid waste was thrown away in 2018.


In order to change this trend, we all need to do our part. Each household can make a small contribution to a greener future by making the right choices and changing small habits every day in our kitchens. Here are some simple tips to implement in your kitchen.

1. Composting

Composting is a microbial process that converts plant materials and food scraps into a usable rich, organic matter that fertilizes soil. Composting provides the right environment for bacteria, fungi and other decomposing organisms like worms and sowbugs to convert these organic waste to fertilizers.


If your local waste management system doesn’t have a composting program, consider separating food scraps from other non compostable garbage yourself and throwing them into your garden (if you have one). This is the best way to reduce and divert organic compostable matter from the landfills.

kitchen recycling sustainable home

2. Just-in-Time Food Consumption

Instead of cramming your refrigerator with bulk purchases of food that you have to freeze, consider consuming fresh food from the market. Picking up food when you need it, reduces the need to package and store food which, in turn, reduces the demand for more plastics and packaging. 


Not only do you benefit from healthier, fresh food but you also reduce your exposure to carcinogenic chemicals, such as nitrites and sorbates, that are often used to preserve food especially in canned, processed or pickled products.

3. Recycle What You Can

Whenever possible, instead of throwing packaging materials into your garbage, separate and recycle them. Refer to the recycling number and find out how your community is recycling these packages. 


If you live in a condo, perhaps there is a guide on how to separate your packaging and garbage so they are directed to the right bins. For example, some buildings may have a garbage chute that separates organic matter from garbage and recyclable products. Do your best to follow these guidelines. One error can spoil an entire bag of recyclable products.


If you live in a strata building, like a townhome, follow your waste management program and ensure you have all the necessary tools like compost pails and recycling boxes.

4. No Styrofoam Packaged Products

Many municipalities do not accept styrofoam for recycling. In fact, styrofoam is made of polystyrene which is petroleum based and typically non recyclable. Some municipalities do accept it as part of their recycling program but it goes through a lengthy process. 


Try not to buy food that is packaged in styrofoam. For municipalities that don’t accept styrofoam, this packaging becomes garbage. Be conscious of how products are packaged and ensure that you are not contributing to waste because the food you are purchasing is packaged in the wrong materials.

5. Reduce Food Scraps with Leftover Recipes

Get good at using leftovers to make meals and you will help to reduce the food waste problem. Approximately 81% of all municipal waste is food material. By learning how to make meals with leftovers, your kitchen can reduce the amount of food that is thrown away in garbage.

kitchen recycling sustainable home6. Use Cloth for Clean Ups

This is an easy one but sometimes hard to implement. When we have paper towels around, we tend to use it instead of reusable cloth. We may think that paper is recyclable and easily biodegradable but we have to remember that every time we throw paper towels, we are adding to the waste pollution problem. 


Instead of using a roll of paper towels, use a washable cloth that you can easily wash clean and reuse. J cloths are the best for wiping down counters and other table surfaces. Wash it and reuse it. 

7. Machine Dish wash instead of Hand Washing

Some may think that washing dishes by hand is more sustainable (minimized water use) but in fact, washing by hand may use up more water than a dishwasher. Many of today’s dishwashers are energy efficient and use less water when you choose a short wash setting.


If you decide to wash by hand, have a system in place so you don’t leave the water running for too long. The part that makes water use more wasteful when hand washing dishes is when you let the water run until it gets warm and then let it run as you are sudsing and cleaning off the grime. Consider an energy efficient dishwasher to get the job done quickly and more efficiently.

8. Remove Coffee Pods from Your Morning Ritual

When Keurig came out with a convenient way to make single serve cup coffee with K-cups, it was a popular option to multi cup coffee grinds. It offered less hassle with preparation and offered a large assortment of flavors. Unfortunately, unless you deconstruct the pods before disposing, they are not recycle friendly. The K-cups are made of a combination of plastic, aluminum, paper filter and coffee grinds. In order for them to be recycled, you need to remove the pods from the casing and separate them and place them in the right recycling bins.


To reduce the possibility of waste and garbage, consider using single serve instant coffee, reusable coffee pods with coffee grinds or coffee filters for single cups. All these options will help keep K-cups out of the landfills.


These simple changes can make a huge difference when households across the country start to adopt small sustainable practices in their kitchen. If we find alternative ways to our current habits and recycle as much as possible, we can divert garbage from the landfills.


sustainable living kitchen

Sustainable Living Series: 10 Simple Tips to Creating an Eco Friendly Kitchen

Look around your kitchen. If you haven’t already noticed, there are probably a lot of non biodegradable and harmful products in your kitchen. From plastic cooking utensils to toxic cleaning chemicals, they are everywhere in our kitchen. If you haven’t taken stock yet, take inventory of what you have and pay special attention to where these products end up at their end of life. 


Are they recycled or do they sit in the landfill for years? Do they naturally decompose or does the breakdown process require energy or chemical treatment that could be harmful to the environment? This is an important consideration when choosing what you buy because our landfill is not shrinking but instead continues to grow. 


In 2018, Canada’s municipal solid waste (MSW) which includes food, plastics, glass, metals, paper, rubber and wood was 35.5 million tonnes while the United States generated 292 million tonnes of MSW. Of the total waste generated in the US alone, about 146 million tonnes (or about 50%) ended up in the landfills.


The largest component of the waste that ended up in landfills consisted of food at 24% with plastics accounting for just over 18%, paper and paperboard at 12%, rubber, textiles and leather at 11% and other materials at 10% each. 


Our kitchens generate the most waste combining food, plastic, paper and steel. Imagine if each household did their small part in being a little more conscious of how they choose products and dispose of their waste, we can all contribute to diverting and reducing landfill pollution.


Here are some simple tips you can adopt and practice as you begin your journey to a more sustainable lifestyle. 


Cleaning Products

1.  Sponges are one of the basic cleaning items that we use to hand wash dishes, pots and pans. Many may not be aware that every day sponges are derived from petroleum-based polyurethane or polyester which is a form of plastic. These sponges not only shed microplastics as you wash, but they are also non-biodegradable, non-recyclable and end up in landfills.


Tip: Replace man-made synthetic sponges with organic veggie based materials like loofahs or cotton cloths. You can also consider using brushes with wood handles and castor oil (veggie based) bristles that are fully biodegradable. This option is healthier for you and the environment

sustainable living kitchen

2. Cleaning Solutions is a major source of pollutants. They may be effective in getting your kitchen sparkling clean or unplugging your drain, but those toxic chemicals end up in our waterways with some remnants infiltrating into the food chain. These chemicals can also be harmful to our health causing eye, skin or respiratory irritation and long term exposure causing more serious health issues.


Tip: Consider cleaning solutions that are gentle on the environment and have ecolabels or are certified as a Safer Choice product in the EPA database.


3. Paper towels and paper waste, though biodegradable, still contribute to the growing landfill pollution. They made up 12% or 17 million tonnes of municipal solid waste in the US in 2018. Many have grown accustomed to single use paper towels and napkins to wipe down counters and surfaces because it is convenient and we know it is compostable. However, when combined with other non biodegradable waste, paper towels add just as much garbage to our landfills.


Tip: Instead of using paper towels, use dish clothes that can be washed and reused to wipe down surfaces. Use a tea cloth for wiping your hands or dishes dry. This encourages reuse and helps reduce waste materials.


4. Disposable Floor Wipes, like the swiffer, is a convenient, hassle-free way to clean your kitchen floor without the labor that’s involved in traditional floor mopping. It’s quick and easy but unfortunately, the cleaning chemicals in the pad are toxic and the swiffer pads themselves are made of polypropylene which is a form of non biodegradable plastic along with other materials.


Tip: Consider using a mop. It seems cumbersome to have to fill a pale with soap and water and push and squeeze a mop to clean a floor but the single-use disposable swiffer option contributes to our waste problem.

sustainable living kitchen

Wraps, Bags and Enclosures

5. Saran Wrap is a convenient way to store food especially when used as a seal to cover food in a dish or just generally to store food safely. It is a thin plastic film made of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE). Plastic wrap is not safe to use in ovens and personally, I don’t trust that it is safe in a microwave either because untreated plastic wrap can release chemicals and melt when heated. Aside from the health risks it poses in high temperature, it is also non biodegradable when disposed in the garbage.


Tip: Instead of using plastic wrap, consider using glass containers with a cover or use a plate to cover the top of an open dish if you are storing food in the fridge. 


6. Ziploc bags are common items found in the kitchen that conveniently stores and packs sandwiches and other items. Plastic food bags, made of polyethylene, are widely used as packaging to store meat in a freezer because they are space savers and also used for packing lunches. Unfortunately, after we use them, we discard them and they end up in landfills.


Tip: Consider using glass containers when storing and packing food that will be consumed in the short term. Instead of buying in bulk, buy and consume just what you will eat to prevent the need to store food.


7. Plastic Food Containers are kitchen essentials and commonly used for storing larger amounts of food. Many refrigerate their left overs and then later warm them up in a microwave. These food containers are made of low-density polyethylene or polypropylene and have a high temperature tolerance before it reaches its melting point. Whether it is safe to microwave with food is debatable because researchers claim there are still gaps in their understanding of how plastics affect our health and development. Polypropylene is known to be non biodegradable and will reach our landfills at end of life.


TIP: Substitute plastic food containers with reusable glass containers for safe microwave use and ultimately generate less reliance and demand for plastic products in general.

sustainable living kitchen

8. Garbage Bags are made of polyethylene (petroleum-based resin) or in the case of Glad garbage bags, they are made of butene polymer with ethene (or polythene). While some say there are polythenes that are biodegradable over a very long period of time, others claim that polythenes are not biodegradable. Many of us buy whatever garbage bags are available on store shelves but, we may not be aware that our choices will leave a legacy in our landfills.


TIP: Instead of garbage bags, consider finding bioplastic bags or just using paper bags for your garbage and put them out in your trash can to be ready for pick up. 


9. Aluminum based products including tin cans, aluminum foils and packaging contribute about 8.8% of the total municipal solid waste in the US in 2018. This is approximately 26.3 million tonnes with 52% that is landfilled. Foils are convenient ways to store food in shelves and fridges. But, unfortunately, they are easily discarded and unless they are not soiled, they can’t be recycled. 


TIP: Using aluminum foil is convenient for lining pans when baking and storing leftover food however, to reduce aluminum waste, consider these three things: 1) using simply the non-stick pan without the foil lining 2) eliminating tin foil baking sheets from your kitchen supplies and 3) instead of accumulating leftovers, buy exactly what you will need and consume. 

sustainable living kitchen

Kitchen Cooking Tools

10. Plastic Utensils are what we commonly use for cooking. Plastic utensils are made of Acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene resin (ABS) and acrylonitrile–styrene resin (AS) which contain volatile substances that are potentially carcinogenic and toxic. Both ABS and AS are not biodegradable. In fact, many may not know that these utensils are made from recycled computer parts (especially the black plastic utensils) and over time, they chip and fray with microplastics landing in your food. Because plastics can’t biodegrade, they end up in landfills.

TIP: Consider wooden bamboo utensils for health and safety reasons. Bamboo, in particular, are biodegradable so they are one of the safest cooking tools you can have in your kitchen. They are antibacterial, organic and don’t scratch the surface of your pots and pans. 


These are simple ways to start your journey to sustainable living. You may find many more opportunities to become more sustainable at home. Share your experience and tips with us here.


EcoLuxe Products, Sustainable, Sustainability, Chanelle Dupre, bamboo cutting board

Are Bamboo Cutting Boards any Good? 

Cutting boards are an essential kitchen tool. A staple product when cooking. You need it to prepare your meat, vegetables, bread, cheese or anything else that requires cutting. Although many have grown accustomed to the convenience of just cutting their bread and vegetables on a counter, it is not sanitary. 

There are many important uses of cutting boards but the most important being sanitary and hygienic reasons. Bacteria and other germs can easily transfer to food when you are not safely preparing your meals. Cutting spaces are a source of bacterial and food borne illnesses. 

There are so many different types of cutting boards in the market. How do you know which one to choose to ensure your choice offers durability, affordability, convenience and effectiveness. The two most common types of cutting boards to compare are plastic versus bamboo cutting boards. 

There are many benefits to both but if you were to make an eco-friendly choice, bamboo, hands-down, the better choice. We’ll look at the comparison between bamboo and plastic cutting boards from various angles and you can decide what works best for you. 

Comparing Bamboo vs Plastic Cutting Boards Material

The first thing to consider when looking at the cutting board is the material it is made of. Bamboo is a fast growing, renewable, durable and eco friendly material. Because it is a grass, it grows with very little maintenance and energy requirements. It is a hardy grass, organic and naturally biodegrades in the environment without the need for further chemicals or effort to break it down. 

Plastic, on the other hand, although it is durable, versatile, accessible and affordable, it is a man-made petroleum based product. It requires the extraction of crude oil from the earth in order to produce the material. It requires vast amounts of energy, non-renewable resources from the earth and chemicals. At the end of its lifecycle, it is not biodegradable taking hundreds of years to break down in our landfills. 

Durability Factor of Bamboo vs Plastic Cutting Boards

When choosing a cutting board, like any other kitchen tool, you want it to last. No doubt, plastic is very durable and this is evidenced by the length of time it takes to biodegrade in nature. Both plastic and bamboo are durable materials. The key difference is that one is organic and the other is a man-made product and pollutes the earth. 

Bamboo is known for its durability. With its tensile strength, it is not easily destroyed with pressure and load. You can assure it will withstand the pressure of cutting all types of food. Bamboo is used in construction including flooring, scaffolding, structure and more. It is dense and durable, easy to clean and natural. 

cutting board, plastic, bamboo, ecofriendlyAffordability of Bamboo vs Plastic Cutting Boards

Depending on the type of cutting board you buy, they can range in price. There are a number of very artistic bamboo boards used both as kitchen decoration and a practical tool. Some bamboo cutting boards are multifunction with drawers to store your cheese cutting knives and other paraphernalia and other products come in packages with 3 or more different sizes. They can come in various sizes, styles and colors. You can spend as little as $4 at a dollar store for effective bamboo cutting boards. 

Equally as affordable, plastic boards are also pretty accessible and affordable. They come in various shapes, styles and colors. Though less aesthetically attractive as a kitchen decor, plastic boards can also be easily found in most department stores, discount stores and kitchen supplies retailers. 

Are Bamboo Cutting Boards More Bacteria Resistant than Plastic ones?

A very important issue to consider when choosing the right cutting board for your kitchen is the health and safety of the tools. Does it have the ability to transfer and absorb bacteria and germs to your food? Cutting boards can be a source of bacteria that causes food borne illness and food poisoning. Many of us have experienced this at one time or another at a restaurant. 

Bamboo cutting boards are dense and non porous. Bamboo also contains a natural anti-bacterial agent called bamboo kun that is effective in eliminating or preventing over 70% of bacteria that attempts to grow on it. Because of its antimicrobial and non porous characteristic, bamboo cutting boards are more bacteria resistant than plastic ones. 

Because of its porous nature, plastic will host bacteria and germs more easily and contribute to contamination and food borne illnesses. It will also absorb more moisture. If you are using plastic boards, you will want to ensure it is sterilized with hot water in the dishwasher and cleaned often.

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Are Bamboo Cutting Boards Higher Maintenance? 

Though bamboo cutting boards will require an application of mineral or coconut oil before first use to seal it and a few more times to keep it in good condition, it is natural, organic and healthy. The conditioning you do to it only adds to the aroma and flavour of your food. 

Plastic on the other hand, is easy to maintain and often dishwasher safe. But the drawback is that because it is porous, it can stain. For example if you cut marinated meat with sundried tomato oil, your plastic board can become discolored. Many will try to remove the stain by bleaching it because simply putting it in the dishwasher is not enough. The stain will infiltrate into the pores. 

Also, because every cut you make on the plastic board creates a scar that may host germs, you will need to be more diligent with scrubbing it thoroughly and not contaminating other kitchen tools with the same cleaning materials. 

bamboo cutting board, sustainable, ecoluxe productWhat are the Environmental Impacts of Plastic vs Bamboo?

As you may already be aware, plastic is non biodegradable. When they make plastic this durable and dense, you can be assured that the material will take hundreds of years to decompose. When they do start to decompose, the microplastics find their way into our ecological system harming many animals, humans and nature. 

Bamboo boards, on the other hand, will completely biodegrade within a matter of months. It’s eco-friendly quality is far reaching. Bamboo farms contribute to creating 30% more oxygen and absorb 50% more carbon dioxide in the earth. Often referred to as carbon sinks, bamboo rapidly sequesters carbon in biomass and soil, taking it out of the air carbon pollution faster than almost any other plant, and can thrive on inhospitable degraded lands requiring no harmful pesticides or fertilizers to grow. 

What Other Considerations are there with Bamboo vs Plastic Cutting Boards? 

Bamboo cutting boards will not get scarred as easily by your knives as plastic boards. They are more gentle and will not dull your knives over time. With plastic boards, if you have been using for a while, you will notice several scars of the years that your knives have made and eventually you will notice the impact it will make on the sharpness of your knives. 

Another important consideration is the impact that micro plastics have on our health as a result of using plastic cutting boards. With each cut you make into your plastic board, small pieces of the plastic can be absorbed by the food you are cutting and eventually make its way into your body. Micro plastics are known to cause cellular changes, genetic mutations, alterations in glandular functions and inhibition of hormones. The monomers that make up plastic are highly carcinogenic and can be traced to causing cancer.

What are the Key Takeaways for Considering the Best Cutting Board? 

Bamboo cutting boards are by far the more eco friendly and safe choice. It is durable, affordable and bacteria-resistant. It is multi-functional, natural and organic, practical and effective. Its environmental impact is positive and it does not cause negative externalities to our ecosystem. 

Perhaps you may think a cutting board is such a trivial choice to make, but many products in the market now have alternative options. Choosing the right one is important for the future of our planet.


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EcoLuxe Products, Sustainable, Sustainability, Chanelle Dupre, bamboo cutting board, glass, sustainable, ecoluxe product, ecofriendly

Why Bamboo Cutting Boards?

Your cutting board is an important kitchen essential. It’s where your food preparation begins. It’s likely that every household has one but do we know what the impact is of disposing of cutting boards? Many of us don’t think twice about the impact of disposing of housewares. 

Perhaps some of us donate them while others throw them in the garbage only to be piled onto the heaps in the landfills. When we make purchasing decisions, most of us are driven to make buying choices based on budget

If you look at the variety of cutting boards in stores, you will find that plastic ones tend to be up to 40% less than bamboo or wood cutting boards while glass are double the price. Many are attracted to the aesthetics of glass but are they really any good? Why is the bamboo cutting board the best choice in the market? 

Is Glass a Sustainable Resource?

Plastic boards, no doubt, are not the right choice to make when deciding on your most essential kitchen tool – the cutting board. It’s worth looking at other options and alternatives, like glass, in the market so you can feel good about your investment.

Choosing the right material for your cutting activities may sound trivial to many, but if you spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking, it’s a pretty important investment to have just like your set of knives. 

Glass is considered sustainable because it can be 100% recyclable but only if it actually ends up in the right place and not in the landfill. Some may argue that glass is not a sustainable material if you look at the entire product development process of glass.

bamboo cutting board, glass, sustainable, ecoluxe product, ecofriendlyTo make glass requires sand, limestone and soda ash – resources that are non-renewable. Although glass itself can be reused over and over, its birth and end of life process requires a lot of energy to transform it to the material we can use. Also, its end of life requires more energy including human resources to sort and separate glass by color before it is ready for its next life.

Whether you think glass is a sustainable material depends on how you view the process of recycling. But if a finished product is made of non-renewable resources, the way glass is, it may be better than plastic, but still not the best choice for the environment. 

Glass vs Bamboo Cutting Boards

Beyond its sustainable properties, you need to assess glass cutting boards’ practicality and usability. Just as plastic boards have disadvantages, so do glass ones. It has a number of great advantages but the disadvantages far outweigh the benefits it offers. Below is a quick snapshot of the comparison between bamboo and glass boards:

EcoLuxe CuttingBoard Comparison

Why Bamboo is the Best Choice

You may have to spend a bit more money for the sustainable product, but it’s positive impact is worth the investment. Unlike wood boards which are more expensive, heavier and not as renewable, bamboo boards are cheaper alternatives with exceptional qualities that rival those of the classic wood blocks.

Plastic is by far the least environmentally friendly product in the market and can cause health issues because its porous surface hosts bacteria that can lead to foodborne illnesses and diseases. Its disposal is a problem for our ecosystem and its product development is harmful to our environment.

bamboo cutting board, glass, sustainable, ecoluxe product, ecofriendlyGlass can be sustainable and renewable if recycled properly but can you ensure that its end of lifecycle management is done properly? Though it’s attractive, low maintenance and typically anti-bacterial, it’s fragile, heavier, more expensive and has some serious drawbacks like dulling your knife or causing accidental cutting.

Bamboo is by far the smarter choice: it is affordable, anti-bacterial, 100% made of renewable resources, biodegrades in a matter of months, doesn’t dull your knife, attractive and comes in a great variety as a single product or in a bundle. With bamboo made cutting boards, you can find multi-functional designed ones that dub as a centerpiece for your wine and cheese party complete with compartments for your mini serving tools and a simple cutting board for all sorts of dry goods. 

Learn more about the types of sustainable bamboo cutting boards available. 

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