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Tag: kitchen

kitchen recycling sustainable home

8 Kitchen Habits for Sustainable Living

Most of us don’t even really think about the habits we have in the kitchen that contribute to waste in our landfills and the environmental damage it causes. We choose the easy and more convenient way of doing things like just throwing everything but the kitchen sink in the garbage instead of consciously separating waste and directing it to their appropriate places. 


We use a lot of plastic to store food like saran wrap and ziploc bags. We buy large quantities of food and throw unused or spoiled food in the garbage. We buy processed food that is packaged in layers of non-biodegradable packaging or made from non-sustainable products.


Some of us may be clueless about the impact our habits have on the environment while others are perfectly aware but don’t have the facility nor the local infrastructure for a more eco-friendly waste management solution.


Garbage is filling up our landfills each year and it doesn’t seem to be easing up. In Canada, 31 million tonnes of garbage is produced each year and in the US, over 200 million tonnes of municipal solid waste was thrown away in 2018.


In order to change this trend, we all need to do our part. Each household can make a small contribution to a greener future by making the right choices and changing small habits every day in our kitchens. Here are some simple tips to implement in your kitchen.

1. Composting

Composting is a microbial process that converts plant materials and food scraps into a usable rich, organic matter that fertilizes soil. Composting provides the right environment for bacteria, fungi and other decomposing organisms like worms and sowbugs to convert these organic waste to fertilizers.


If your local waste management system doesn’t have a composting program, consider separating food scraps from other non compostable garbage yourself and throwing them into your garden (if you have one). This is the best way to reduce and divert organic compostable matter from the landfills.

kitchen recycling sustainable home

2. Just-in-Time Food Consumption

Instead of cramming your refrigerator with bulk purchases of food that you have to freeze, consider consuming fresh food from the market. Picking up food when you need it, reduces the need to package and store food which, in turn, reduces the demand for more plastics and packaging. 


Not only do you benefit from healthier, fresh food but you also reduce your exposure to carcinogenic chemicals, such as nitrites and sorbates, that are often used to preserve food especially in canned, processed or pickled products.

3. Recycle What You Can

Whenever possible, instead of throwing packaging materials into your garbage, separate and recycle them. Refer to the recycling number and find out how your community is recycling these packages. 


If you live in a condo, perhaps there is a guide on how to separate your packaging and garbage so they are directed to the right bins. For example, some buildings may have a garbage chute that separates organic matter from garbage and recyclable products. Do your best to follow these guidelines. One error can spoil an entire bag of recyclable products.


If you live in a strata building, like a townhome, follow your waste management program and ensure you have all the necessary tools like compost pails and recycling boxes.

4. No Styrofoam Packaged Products

Many municipalities do not accept styrofoam for recycling. In fact, styrofoam is made of polystyrene which is petroleum based and typically non recyclable. Some municipalities do accept it as part of their recycling program but it goes through a lengthy process. 


Try not to buy food that is packaged in styrofoam. For municipalities that don’t accept styrofoam, this packaging becomes garbage. Be conscious of how products are packaged and ensure that you are not contributing to waste because the food you are purchasing is packaged in the wrong materials.

5. Reduce Food Scraps with Leftover Recipes

Get good at using leftovers to make meals and you will help to reduce the food waste problem. Approximately 81% of all municipal waste is food material. By learning how to make meals with leftovers, your kitchen can reduce the amount of food that is thrown away in garbage.

kitchen recycling sustainable home6. Use Cloth for Clean Ups

This is an easy one but sometimes hard to implement. When we have paper towels around, we tend to use it instead of reusable cloth. We may think that paper is recyclable and easily biodegradable but we have to remember that every time we throw paper towels, we are adding to the waste pollution problem. 


Instead of using a roll of paper towels, use a washable cloth that you can easily wash clean and reuse. J cloths are the best for wiping down counters and other table surfaces. Wash it and reuse it. 

7. Machine Dish wash instead of Hand Washing

Some may think that washing dishes by hand is more sustainable (minimized water use) but in fact, washing by hand may use up more water than a dishwasher. Many of today’s dishwashers are energy efficient and use less water when you choose a short wash setting.


If you decide to wash by hand, have a system in place so you don’t leave the water running for too long. The part that makes water use more wasteful when hand washing dishes is when you let the water run until it gets warm and then let it run as you are sudsing and cleaning off the grime. Consider an energy efficient dishwasher to get the job done quickly and more efficiently.

8. Remove Coffee Pods from Your Morning Ritual

When Keurig came out with a convenient way to make single serve cup coffee with K-cups, it was a popular option to multi cup coffee grinds. It offered less hassle with preparation and offered a large assortment of flavors. Unfortunately, unless you deconstruct the pods before disposing, they are not recycle friendly. The K-cups are made of a combination of plastic, aluminum, paper filter and coffee grinds. In order for them to be recycled, you need to remove the pods from the casing and separate them and place them in the right recycling bins.


To reduce the possibility of waste and garbage, consider using single serve instant coffee, reusable coffee pods with coffee grinds or coffee filters for single cups. All these options will help keep K-cups out of the landfills.


These simple changes can make a huge difference when households across the country start to adopt small sustainable practices in their kitchen. If we find alternative ways to our current habits and recycle as much as possible, we can divert garbage from the landfills.


kitchen zero waste sustainable living

5 Simple Tips to Purge Plastic from Your Kitchen

We can all do our little part in changing the way we live by being more conscious about our use of plastic at home. Many don’t realize the impact that plastic has not only on our environment but also on our health. From every step of the plastic manufacturing process, we are exposed to the toxins emitted through inhalation or ingestion through the air, water or soil we breathe, consume or touch. 

Plastic materials contain micro plastic particles and various toxic substances that are known or suspected to contain carcinogens that disrupt the human endocrine system leading to a host of health problems that affect human reproductive and nervous systems.

Plastic comes into our homes in various ways through various products. Many we may not even be aware of. There are the obvious household products like plastic bags, tableware, cups, milk jugs, food containers and personal care products that we know contain plastics. But then there are those products that are less obvious, like carton boxes of milk or cream, that are made of paperboard but also contain a thin layer of polyethylene (plastic).

For those who are interested in starting the journey to sustainable living and purging plastic from their homes, we start by identifying the common household products that have alternative eco-friendly options first. 

Replacing Plastic Kitchen Products with Bamboo

One of the most practical and eco-friendly materials for kitchen products is bamboo. There are many kitchen items that can be replaced with bamboo. If bamboo is not your preferred choice, you can also consider other wood products like teak, oak or birch. But we highly recommend bamboo because it is far more renewable than wood with its ability to grow and replenish in a matter of months where wood would take at least 50 years.

Start with your kitchen drawers. Open your kitchen drawer and you might find the following items in plastic form. Consider these easy swaps from plastic to biodegradable eco friendly ones as a simple way to purge your plastic from your kitchen.

  • Cutlery Organizer: If you have a plastic cutlery organizer in your drawer you can replace it with a bamboo expandable drawer organizer that offers the flexibility to fit most drawer sizes. They come in various compartment sizes. They are very practical and look elegant. You can typically get these organizers in a light bamboo natural colour, black painted wood or white painted bamboo.


  • Cooking Utensils: Many of us have plastic cooking tools in our drawers. Maybe you got them at the dollar store for a cheap price. Never thinking that the plastic would actually melt, flake and embed in your food as you cook. It’s toxic and you may want to replace it with bamboo cooking utensils

kitchen zero waste sustainable living

  • Cutting Boards: Your cutting board might be plastic and stored in your kitchen drawer. This is another plastic product you can replace with a bamboo board. There are many advantages to using an organic cutting board over a plastic one including its antibacterial properties and its resilience to scarring. 

  • Flatware and Other Cutlery: Perhaps you have stainless steel flatware at home, but some of us store various types of plastic cutlery products including straws, stir sticks, tongs and picnic cutlery in our drawer and we may not even be aware of this. You may already know that plastic straws have been banned in various regions in North America and replaced with paper, stainless steel or bamboo straws. Now you can also replace all other plastic products with reusable bamboo utensils from cutlery to stir sticks and more.


  • Bowls and Containers: In your deeper bottom drawers or cabinets, you may find plastic bowls and storage containers for your leftovers. In fact, your fridge may be full of these plastic containers. Remember that putting these plastic containers in your microwave can cause toxins to leak into your food. Plastic containers have additives called phthalates that provide its flexibility and resilience and may melt at a lower temperature and leach out to the food when temperature reaches beyond 100C (212 F) in the microwave. You can replace these with ceramic or glass that can be safely microwaved and also effectively store food in the fridge.

kitchen zero waste sustainable living

These are very common household kitchen tools that have eco-friendly replacements. With so many bamboo kitchen products now available even at the dollar stores, they are very affordable and accessible. Consider the biodegradable nature of bamboo or wooden products and the safer option of using glass, ceramic or stainless steel for more temperature resilience. 

It’s not too late to start making changes around your home and purge plastic from your kitchen. To find more eco-friendly products, visit the shop page.