Category: Sustainability
1 Significant Ecofriendly Impact Dental Industries Can Make Now
The dental industry needs to be aware of the environmental impact they have with distributing plastic vs eco-friendly dental kits.
5 Definitive Ways Hotels Contribute to Plastic Pollution
Single -use toiletries are a popular keepsake found in hotels. Thought they are a convenient little luxury they are a huge source of pollution that can be replace by eco-friendly alternative products and practices.
The 5 Types of Plastic that Create a Negative Impact on the Environment
Companies use plastic for their products or packaging because it’s durable and cheap to make and has desirable traits such as its versatility and durability. But unfortunately, it’s harmful impact on the earth is life changing.
Plastic Pollution Caused by Single Use Hotel Supplies
Hotels need to become more eco-efficient in delivering services and goods while minimizing ecological impact to the planet.
3 Industries that Cause a Negative Impact on the Environment Today
From the shampoo containers in hotels to the take out styrofoam packages from restaurants -plastics are everywhere and used widely by various industries.
Consumer Attitudes have Harmful Impact on the Environment
The health of our planet is changing because of human behaviour. The human race is now facing new risks of food security, extreme weather conditions and new types of diseases that we can’t fight – like the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).
5 Reasons why Bamboo is the Perfect Ecofriendly Alternative to Plastic
Bamboo’s ability to grow between 1 – 4 inches per day and be harvested every three years makes it the number one renewable and sustainable resource.
The Difficult Challenges of Recycling
Our increasing appetite and obsession for material things has contributed immensely to the growth of our landfills. Products, whether bought at a store or delivered to our homes, are packaged with materials that are often not biodegradable.