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Tag: renewable

Choosing Bamboo Products can Mitigate Climate Change

How Choosing Bamboo Products can Mitigate Climate Change

Bamboo is green gold. Many countries around the world rely on bamboo for economic sustainability. For thousands of years, bamboo has played a significant role in Asian culture and economy. Bamboo represents the character of moral integrity, resilience, modesty and loyalty.  In Chinese culture, bamboo symbolizes strength due to its tensile strength characteristic while in India, bamboo represents luck, prosperity and wealth.

Its practical applications in our everyday lives are vast. With thousands of uses from furniture and construction to personal care products, bamboo is one of the most versatile, resilient and widely used materials. Belonging to the grass family, bamboo is often overlooked and undervalued. Often considered a nuisance because of its invasive nature when planted in a garden.

But as you will read below, bamboo offers so many benefits. One of the most significant is the role it plays in fighting climate change. It plays a critical role both directly and indirectly in fighting climate change. 

Choosing Bamboo Products can Mitigate Climate Change

Understanding the Basics of Climate Change

Climate change occurs when greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other synthetic chemicals, retain the heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. The heat trapping causes an imbalance between the radiant energy received from the sun and the heat emitted from the earth. 

The gases act as a blanket allowing the sun’s light rays to penetrate through, but not allowing the heat from the sun to release. This imbalance of atmospheric pressure causes seismic weather pattern changes and the rising temperature in the Earth. The more greenhouse gases produced, the more intense the effect will be, the more frequent and catastrophic the climate change we will experience.

Human activities contribute to climate change. Our sustained demand for plastic products is met with more fossil fuel extraction and production which, in turn, releases more nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, mercury and other hazardous air pollutants. This process contributes to the greenhouse gas effect. 


Choosing Bamboo Products can Mitigate Climate Change

Plastic Contributes to Climate Change

Aside from the harmful effects and negative impact of plastics in our landfills, they also contribute to climate change. As mentioned above, petroleum or crude oil is a key ingredient in making plastic. Other ingredients include coal, natural gas and salt. 

The process of making plastic involves drilling and fracking for oil or petroleum, then transporting it to a refinery where it is distilled (separates liquids from gases). All the compounds then go through the polymerization and polycondensation process before manufacturers can use it for their purposes. Throughout every step of the production process, harmful chemicals are emitted into the earth’s atmosphere. The immense amount of electricity and power required to operate a plant also requires more  natural gas, coal and water.  


Bamboo as an Alternative to Plastics

Bamboo, on the other hand, is a simple organic material that can substitute for many of the plastic products in the market. Not only does bamboo neutralize the carbon footprint generated by plastic production, but it actually gives back to the environment by releasing 35% more oxygen than the same density of trees. 


Bamboo’s high tolerance for surviving on marginal land, make it an ideal candidate for afforestation, carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation.  Bamboo farms are referred to as carbon sinks – an area that has the ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to reduce greenhouse gases. Bamboos are hardy grasses that don’t require a lot of resources like water, electricity or power to maintain. So in contrast to plastic, bamboo contributes rather than pollutes the environment.


To create bamboo material that is usable for production of goods, it requires harvesting the stalks, cutting the hollow culms into strips, treating and preserving the plant with a solution of boric acid and lime to extract the starch that attracts termites and beetles. Relatively harmless, boric acid is an EPA approved product commonly used in agricultural products.


Once the bamboo is converted into a mushy mass, it can then be manipulated, formed and manufactured for products like kitchen utensils, cutlery, toilet paper, textiles and more. 

Bamboo mitigates Climate Change ecofriendly

Bamboo as the Most Renewable Resource

Unlike wood, bamboo takes only 5 years to be eligible for harvestation, while trees will take 50 years making it a more renewable resource than wood. We don’t need a large amount of land to grow bamboo and because of its quick regrowth, the earth does not lose the positive effects that plant life offers climate change. 


When trees are cut, the deforestation that results from this slow regrowth phase, means we are losing the opportunity to absorb the effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. So one hectare of bamboo is going to provide 30% more positive impact on climate change than trees. The more we use, the more it grows. 


Noted by the Guinness Book of World Records as the fastest growing plant in the world, 45 genera of bamboo have been found to grow at up to 91 cm (35 inches) per day or at a rate of 0.00003 km.hour. bamboo grows an average of 1.5 inches per 30 minutes.


How Bamboo Mitigates Climate Change

The choice for bamboo products is a step in the right direction. The production of bamboo products requires little resources and produces no negative externality to the environment. On the contrary, bamboo actually contributes to mitigating climate change by acting as carbon sinks. 


When choosing household products that can be offered in both plastic or bamboo, remember to consider how plastic is made and the pollutants it emits before making your decision. Bamboo is strong, biodegradable, ecofriendly, durable, antibacterial and very versatile. It’s a much healthier alternative to plastic and its process produces positive externalities. 


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